
Donations And Contributions
God's work through the Church, just like every other work in this world, requires finances and funding. Being a small Church, it is difficult getting the finances necessary to carry on the multiple ministries we have, and even more difficult to expand into new ministries.  However, God has His ways, and His people, to finance whatever He wants done. 

If you would like to be involved in any, or all, of these ministries designed to reach people for the Lord Jesus Christ, you can do so with a contribution or donation to our Church, designating any particular ministry, or for all of them.   

If you have a Bible-believing, Christ honoring Church of your own, we do not ask you to give any of your tithes to this ministry. Those are to go to your local Church for its ministry.  However, if you do not have a Church of your own to give to, or if you would desire to give above and beyond your tithes; we would welcome your donation gifts, and encourage you to do so. Perhaps you are retired, or shut in, and want a worthy Christian ministry to donate to. If so, rest assured that there are many who could use your gifts, and I would pray that you would consider our ministry as perhaps becoming your ministry. 

When you send your donation, or contribution, it will be eligible for a tax credit. You can either use your cancelled check or request a receipt, and we will be glad to issue you one. In sending your donations, please make them out to THE CROSS ROADS FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH, and if you are sending for a specific ministry, please designate it. Anything not designated will be used for the Web Page Internet ministry. Send all donations and contributions to: 

BILLINGS, MT. 59101 
Thank you for your participation in our ministry, and may God richly bless you and yours.
Pastor Ron Palmer 
© 2013 - 2025 Cross Roads Free Will Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.